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The Method works well 4 Nokia s60 phones...Dont know abt other handsets.

First of all,u will need to have a FileXplorer, which can browse through the system files/folders. Now, open FileXplorer...

1- go to C;/system
2- rename the file 'mmcstore' to 'mmcstore.txt'
3- open the file,file will open in Notes.
4- u will find d password in that file.That file would contain much more data,which u cant understand,so u will need to go through entire file to get the password.

[ Plz Note that it only works if the password to d mmc card was set in ur own mobile,where u want it to be unlocked ]

When ur cell is connected to Pc by data cable or bluetooth,u can see d password by simply opening d file 'mmcstore' with Notepad.